Introduction to Computing for Engineers and Computer Scientists

Finishing OO and on to Machine Learning

Questions, Discussion


From Class

HW5 Discussion

General Comments

  • (A): OO programming is complex and is very baffling in the beginning, but does enable code reuse and overall program simplification.
  • (B): Python's operator overloading and ability to support "mathematic" and other functions for abstract types is one of the language's most powerful features. The concept is simple in scope but complex to understand, however.
  • (A) + (B) $\Rightarrow$ HW5: The complexity and subtlety means that HW5 is intellectually very hard but the overall scope is very small.
  • We have touched a small subset of Python's OO capabilities and general support for extensibility, both of which are language strengths.
  • This assignment is hard. I understand and we will grade accordingly.
  • But, many of you are banging your heads against the wall in frustration.

Part 1: Abstract Algebra

  • Color is a simple example. We will represent color with symbols and a Cayley table.
  • $G = {r, g, b, y, m, c},$ where the symbols represent red, green, blue, yellow, magenta, cyan.
  • The (silly) Cayley tables is (clearly I was bad at art in kindergarten):


  • Representing this as a list of lists would be awkward.
    • color_cayley['r']['g'] does not make much sense for lists.
    • List iteration is of the form color_cayley[1][7]. There are ways I could do this but it would be awkward.
  • color_cayley['r']['g'] looks like a dictionary of dictionaries. I could have done the table this way, but choose a slightly different approach. In my dictionary,
    • A pair of symbols is the key, e.g. ('r', 'g')
    • The value is the symbol that represents "multiplying" the colors using the group operator.
In [7]:
# This simply keeps me from having to do 'c' over and over.
r,g,b,y,m,c = 'r','g','b','y','m','c'
cayley_colors = {}
cayley_colors.update({(r,r):r, (r,g):y, (r,b):m, (r,y):g, (r,c):b, (r,m):c})
cayley_colors.update({(g,r):y, (g,g):g, (g,b):c, (g,y):r, (g,c):b, (g,m):m})
cayley_colors.update({(b,r):m, (b,g):c, (b,b):b, (b,y):g, (b,c):r, (b,m):y})
cayley_colors.update({(y,r):m, (y,g):r, (y,b):c, (y,y):y, (y,c):g, (y,m):b})
cayley_colors.update({(c,r):g, (c,g):y, (c,b):m, (c,y):b, (c,c):c, (c,m):r})
cayley_colors.update({(m,r):c, (m,g):y, (m,b):r, (m,y):g, (m,b):c, (m,m):m})
print("If if got this right, with so little coffee, it is a miracle.")
If if got this right, with so little coffee, it is a miracle.
{('b', 'b'): 'b',
 ('b', 'c'): 'r',
 ('b', 'g'): 'c',
 ('b', 'm'): 'y',
 ('b', 'r'): 'm',
 ('b', 'y'): 'g',
 ('c', 'b'): 'm',
 ('c', 'c'): 'c',
 ('c', 'g'): 'y',
 ('c', 'm'): 'r',
 ('c', 'r'): 'g',
 ('c', 'y'): 'b',
 ('g', 'b'): 'c',
 ('g', 'c'): 'b',
 ('g', 'g'): 'g',
 ('g', 'm'): 'm',
 ('g', 'r'): 'y',
 ('g', 'y'): 'r',
 ('m', 'b'): 'c',
 ('m', 'g'): 'y',
 ('m', 'm'): 'm',
 ('m', 'r'): 'c',
 ('m', 'y'): 'g',
 ('r', 'b'): 'm',
 ('r', 'c'): 'b',
 ('r', 'g'): 'y',
 ('r', 'm'): 'c',
 ('r', 'r'): 'r',
 ('r', 'y'): 'g',
 ('y', 'b'): 'c',
 ('y', 'c'): 'g',
 ('y', 'g'): 'r',
 ('y', 'm'): 'b',
 ('y', 'r'): 'm',
 ('y', 'y'): 'y'}
  • I can define a new subclass of BaseCayleyGroup
In [46]:
class BaseCayleyGroup(object):

class CayleyColorsGroup(BaseCayleyGroup):
    __symbols = {'r', 'g', 'b', 'y', 'c', 'm'}  # Attribute of class -- group symbols
    __table = None # Attribute of class -- Cayley Table for class.

    def __init__(self, v):

        # Not strictly the correct approach. Should probably return an error, but OK.
        self.__value = v

        # This is a property of the class. I could have done this outside of the class
        # but I that freaks me out for no good reason.
        if CayleyColorsGroup.__table is None:
            r,g,b,y,m,c = 'r','g','b','y','m','c'
            cayley_colors = {}
            cayley_colors.update({(r,r):r, (r,g):y, (r,b):m, (r,y):g, (r,c):b, (r,m):c})
            cayley_colors.update({(g,r):y, (g,g):g, (g,b):c, (g,y):r, (g,c):b, (g,m):m})
            cayley_colors.update({(b,r):m, (b,g):c, (b,b):b, (b,y):g, (b,c):r, (b,m):y})
            cayley_colors.update({(y,r):m, (y,g):r, (y,b):c, (y,y):y, (y,c):g, (y,m):b})
            cayley_colors.update({(c,r):g, (c,g):y, (c,b):m, (c,y):b, (c,c):c, (c,m):r})
            cayley_colors.update({(m,r):c, (m,g):y, (m,b):r, (m,y):g, (m,b):c, (m,m):m})
            CayleyColorsGroup.__table = cayley_colors

    @classmethod # Method on class. HINT: Base class calls.
    def get_cayley_table(cls):
        return CayleyColorsGroup.__table

    # Method on instance. HINT: base class calls.
    def get_value(self):
        return self.__value
In [48]:
c1 = CayleyColorsGroup('r')
c2 = CayleyColorsGroup('r')
c3 = CayleyColorsGroup('g')
In [49]:
print('(c1 == c2) =', c1 == c2)
print('(c1 == c3) =', c1 == c3)
(c1 == c2) = True
(c1 == c3) = False
  • What did that test tell me? The == operator works $\Rightarrow$
    • Some class implements __eq__()
    • CayleyColorsGroup does not implement __eq__()
    • So, the method MUST be in BaseCayleyGroup.
    • And I have you two hints:
      1. Group elements are equals if the symbol is the same.
      2. BaseCayleyGroup calls CayleyColorsGroup.get_value()
In [50]:
c4 = c1*c2
  • What did that test tell me? The * operator works $\Rightarrow$
    • Some class implements __mul__()
    • CayleyColorsGroup does not implement __mul__()
    • So, the method MUST be in BaseCayleyGroup.
    • And I gave you three hints:
      1. You need the Cayley Table to lookup the answer.
      2. I implemented the CayleyTable as a dictionary.
      3. BaseCayleyGroup calls CayleyColorsGroup.get_cayley_table()
In [53]:
c5 = c4.get_cayley_table()[('r','g')]
  • You know getting the table returns a dictionary. You could have tried the method. What the heck, right?
  • The answer was not quote right, because we want a member of the group. So, __mul__() must be something like
In [56]:
c6 = CayleyColorsGroup('r')
c7 = CayleyColorsGroup('g')
print("If I have ", c6, 'and', c7, 'then', c6, '*', c7, '=')
c8 = CayleyColorsGroup(c6.get_cayley_table()[c6.get_value(), c7.get_value()])
If I have  CayleyColorsGroup('r') and CayleyColorsGroup('g') then CayleyColorsGroup('r') * CayleyColorsGroup('g') =
  • So what have we concluded?
    1. BaseCayleyGroup must implement __eq__() and __mul__()
    2. It must be calling get_value() and get_cayley_table() on itself, and getting the child implementation.
    3. Don did something weird with the __str__() in BaseCayleyTable to do the printing, but he did not ask us to do that.
  • If you can do this homework, you will have mastered the two core concepts in OO:
    • Simplifying application development by putting come functions in base classes, and inheriting in subclasses.
    • Extending and completing base classes and frameworks by implementing/overriding base methods.
  • There is one more trick. x = BaseCayleyGroup(anything) must raise an exception.
  • All told, you write about 8 statements in the base class, and know you have to implement

    • __init__()
    • __eq__()
    • __str__()__ (Optional).
    • __mul__()
  • You have implemented simple classes and demonstrated Abstraction, Encapsulation and Inheritance.

Part 2: Matrices

  • I showed you what a matrix looks like.
tt = MySparseMatrix(int, 2, 2)
print("tt = ", tt)
  • Produces
    tt =  2 X 2 matrix of type <class 'int'>:
  • Well, an empty 2x2 matrix is something like
In [58]:
m = [[0,0],[0,0]]
[[0, 0], [0, 0]]
  • So, I must have some kind of __str__() method to print slightly differently.
  • set(0, 0, 11) must map to something like m[0][0] but that only works if I have already set up the lists with default values. Otherwise, I get undefined.
  • And I know that I must do something to create values even if not set because the entry 1,1 is set to 0.
  • But, the matrix is of any type. I pass in the type. How do I make default values of a type in a general way?
  • Hint:
In [59]:
x = complex
  • That is enough hints for MyMatrix. Equality and addition are obvious once you have figured out the matrix basic initialization, get and set.
  • What about sparse matrices? You can only "store" values that are set.
  • Think about what that means. The caller will give you (i,j) and you have to return:
    • The value if it exists.
    • The default for the type, otherwise.
    • Well, the Cayley table implementation shows you how to male (i,j) to a value.
    • And you had to solve the default class instance for MyMatrix.
  • Matrix addition and equality require get() and set(), and you know how to override a method.
  • You have seen that the print statements can be helpful, but can also be overwhelming.
  • At different stages of development, I need to turn some on and some off. Just embedding print statements and commenting out is tedious.
  • I would also like to:
    • Selectively print some statements for comfort, debugging, etc.
    • Print messages when something critical happens.
    • Write a lot of information to a (CSV) file for later analysis.
  • Instead of printing explicitly, I will have the code emit log events when something happens. Configurable event listeners will determine
    • What messages go to the console for debugging, monitoring, etc.
    • What data goes to a file for subsequent analysis.
  • Most environments, including Python, have the concept of a logger.
  • Instead of adding, removing, commenting out, etc. "print()" statements, I should
    • instrument my code with log statements
    • And then use
      • Handlers
      • Filters
    • To determine which information goes where.

import logging

file_level = logging.DEBUG console_level = logging.ERROR

In [6]:
# create logger with logger to show to the class.
# An application can have several loggers.
logger = logging.getLogger('e1006_application')

# The logger's level is DEBUG.

# create file handler which logs even debug messages
fh = logging.FileHandler('demo.log')

# create console handler with a higher log level
ch = logging.StreamHandler()

# create formatter and add it to the handlers
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')

# add the handlers to the logger
In [9]:
logger.debug("***** Starting a test run *******")'Creating an info message.')
logger.debug("Creating a debug message")
logger.warning("Creating a warning message.")
logger.error("Creating an ERROR message.")
logger.error("Creating another ERROR message.!")
2018-04-11 16:01:48,561 - e1006_application - ERROR - Creating an ERROR message.
2018-04-11 16:01:48,562 - e1006_application - ERROR - Creating another ERROR message.!
  • What does the log file look like?
In [11]:
with open("demo.log", "r") as log_file:
    for line in log_file:
2018-04-11 16:00:44,532 - e1006_application - DEBUG - ***** Starting a test run *******

2018-04-11 16:00:44,532 - e1006_application - INFO - Creating an info message.

2018-04-11 16:00:44,532 - e1006_application - DEBUG - Creating a debug message

2018-04-11 16:00:44,533 - e1006_application - WARNING - Creating a warning message.

2018-04-11 16:00:44,533 - e1006_application - ERROR - Creating an ERROR message.

2018-04-11 16:01:03,534 - e1006_application - DEBUG - ***** Starting a test run *******

2018-04-11 16:01:03,534 - e1006_application - INFO - Creating an info message.

2018-04-11 16:01:03,535 - e1006_application - DEBUG - Creating a debug message

2018-04-11 16:01:03,535 - e1006_application - WARNING - Creating a warning message.

2018-04-11 16:01:03,535 - e1006_application - ERROR - Creating an ERROR message.

2018-04-11 16:01:48,560 - e1006_application - DEBUG - ***** Starting a test run *******

2018-04-11 16:01:48,560 - e1006_application - INFO - Creating an info message.

2018-04-11 16:01:48,561 - e1006_application - DEBUG - Creating a debug message

2018-04-11 16:01:48,561 - e1006_application - WARNING - Creating a warning message.

2018-04-11 16:01:48,561 - e1006_application - ERROR - Creating an ERROR message.

2018-04-11 16:01:48,562 - e1006_application - ERROR - Creating another ERROR message.!

In [12]:
# I can change the level of the logger.
In [13]:
logger.debug("***** Starting a test run *******")'Creating an info message.')
logger.debug("Creating a debug message")
logger.warning("Creating a warning message.")
logger.error("Creating an ERROR message.")
logger.error("Creating another ERROR message.!")
2018-04-11 16:05:14,867 - e1006_application - WARNING - Creating a warning message.
2018-04-11 16:05:14,868 - e1006_application - ERROR - Creating an ERROR message.
2018-04-11 16:05:14,869 - e1006_application - ERROR - Creating another ERROR message.!
  • An application can also define it's own logging level. The default levels are:
Level Numeric value
  • And the file again, ...
In [14]:
with open("demo.log", "r") as log_file:
    for line in log_file:
2018-04-11 16:00:44,532 - e1006_application - DEBUG - ***** Starting a test run *******

2018-04-11 16:00:44,532 - e1006_application - INFO - Creating an info message.

2018-04-11 16:00:44,532 - e1006_application - DEBUG - Creating a debug message

2018-04-11 16:00:44,533 - e1006_application - WARNING - Creating a warning message.

2018-04-11 16:00:44,533 - e1006_application - ERROR - Creating an ERROR message.

2018-04-11 16:01:03,534 - e1006_application - DEBUG - ***** Starting a test run *******

2018-04-11 16:01:03,534 - e1006_application - INFO - Creating an info message.

2018-04-11 16:01:03,535 - e1006_application - DEBUG - Creating a debug message

2018-04-11 16:01:03,535 - e1006_application - WARNING - Creating a warning message.

2018-04-11 16:01:03,535 - e1006_application - ERROR - Creating an ERROR message.

2018-04-11 16:01:48,560 - e1006_application - DEBUG - ***** Starting a test run *******

2018-04-11 16:01:48,560 - e1006_application - INFO - Creating an info message.

2018-04-11 16:01:48,561 - e1006_application - DEBUG - Creating a debug message

2018-04-11 16:01:48,561 - e1006_application - WARNING - Creating a warning message.

2018-04-11 16:01:48,561 - e1006_application - ERROR - Creating an ERROR message.

2018-04-11 16:01:48,562 - e1006_application - ERROR - Creating another ERROR message.!

2018-04-11 16:05:14,866 - e1006_application - DEBUG - ***** Starting a test run *******

2018-04-11 16:05:14,866 - e1006_application - INFO - Creating an info message.

2018-04-11 16:05:14,867 - e1006_application - DEBUG - Creating a debug message

2018-04-11 16:05:14,867 - e1006_application - WARNING - Creating a warning message.

2018-04-11 16:05:14,868 - e1006_application - ERROR - Creating an ERROR message.

2018-04-11 16:05:14,869 - e1006_application - ERROR - Creating another ERROR message.!

Logging Conceptual Model
  • In practice: In the product I have been building:
    • We write very detailed log messages for auditing, problem determination, etc.
    • We selectively send critical messages to a Slack channel to immediately notify someone of the team that there is a problem.
Slack Critical Message Channel
Full Log Stream


  • There is no action or to do for you. This is FYI.
  • I put print statements in my example code to help with teaching and explanation.
  • I want to make sure that you understand this is not a "real" approach to the function.

The Strange Island

  • We have four lectures left, including this one. I need to move on from OO.
  • We implemented
    • Initialization
    • Animation
    • A class model for organisms, animals, plants, predators and prey.
    • The ability to move around and die of old age.
    • We need to implement starvation, reproduction and eating. This occurs when two things are at the same (i,j) location. All we need to do is implement a function that:
      • Looks at every (i,j) location.
      • If there is more than one thing
        • (moose, moose) $\rightarrow$ new moose if long enough since last birth.
        • (wolf, wolf) $\rightarrow$ new wolf if long enough since last birth
        • (wolf, moose) or (moose, wolf) $\rightarrow$ fed wolf and dead moose.
        • (plant, moose) or (moose, plant) $\rightarrow$ fed moose and dead plant.
    • We also need to support plants spreading.
  • These are relatively straightforward extensions to what we have done, but I want to move on to some cool things. So,
    • I will complete and publish the code.
    • Schedule an optional recitation where I walk through and we discuss the details for the few of you who are interested.
    • Extra-credit 3 will be examining my code and suggesting, in writing 3 changes that would improve the solution that I hacked together.


Lecture 1 $-$ Reminder: Why Python?

"The Case For Python in Scientific Computing"

  1. Interoperability with other languages: Complex science and engineering problems interact with preexisting systems and devices that use a diverse set of languages, interfaces, data models, etc.

  2. Reusable tools and libraries:_ All languages come with built in tools (reusable sets of programs). Python by far has the best set of resuable tools and libraries. "If you have a problem to solve, you can most likely find a library to help and it's probably on github!"

  3. Open source: Enables independent extensions and evolution, although this is true of many languages.

Python and Scientific/Engineering
  • For engineers and applied scientists, learning the Python language is a means to an end.
  • The end is the rich and expanding portfolio of tools, frameworks, utilities.

Introduction and Overview

  • "Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game is a book by Michael Lewis, published in 2003, about the Oakland Athletics baseball team and its general manager Billy Beane. Its focus is the team's analytical, evidence-based, sabermetric approach to assembling a competitive baseball team, despite Oakland's disadvantaged revenue situation."
  • "The central premise of Moneyball is that the collective wisdom of baseball insiders (including players, managers, coaches, scouts, and the front office) over the past century is subjective and often flawed. Statistics such as stolen bases, runs batted in, and batting average, typically used to gauge players, are relics of a 19th-century view of the game and the statistics available at that time. Before sabermetrics was introduced to baseball, teams were dependent on the skills of their scouts to find and evaluate players. Scouts are those who are experienced in the sport, usually having been involved as players or coaches. The book argues that the Oakland A's' front office took advantage of more analytical gauges of player performance to field a team that could better compete against richer competitors in Major League Baseball (MLB)"
  • We will do very simple versions of the concept to get a feel for data analytics, numerical libraries and machine learning using Python.

Let's Do Some Simple Data Browsing/Visualization

  • We are engineers and scientists. We are not going to build a team using experience, conventional wisdom, the way we have always done it, etc.
  • This is a scientific and engineering problem. We need data and a model.


  • What data do we have about teams?
Team Performance Data
  • What do we know about players?
    • Batting is offensive statistics, e.g. hits, home runs, etc.
    • Fielding is how they handle hit balls, e.g. attempts, errors.
    • Pitching is the opposite of batting, e.g. how often does the pitcher give up a hit?
    • What positions can/do players play?
    • Salaries.
  • Positions
Player Positions
  • Offensive (Batting)
Player Batting Info
  • Pitching
Player Pitching Info
  • Fielding
Player Fielding Info
  • Salaries
Player Salary Info

Read Data

In [2]:
import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv("../Data/teaminfo.csv")
In [61]:
year teamid rank games wins loses WSWin runs at_basts hits ... walks strikeouts stolen_bases caught_stealing sacrifice_flies runs_against earned_runs earned_run_average errors fielding_percentage
898 2016 HOU 3 162 84 78 N 724 5545 1367 ... 554 1452 102 44 31.0 701 663 4.06 77 0.987
899 2016 KCA 3 162 81 81 N 675 5552 1450 ... 382 1224 121 35 34.0 712 674 4.21 94 0.984
900 2016 LAA 4 162 74 88 N 717 5431 1410 ... 471 991 73 34 49.0 727 676 4.28 97 0.983
901 2016 LAN 1 162 91 71 N 725 5518 1376 ... 525 1321 45 26 32.0 638 598 3.70 80 0.986
902 2016 MIA 3 161 79 82 N 655 5547 1460 ... 447 1213 71 28 38.0 682 646 4.05 86 0.985
903 2016 MIL 4 162 73 89 N 671 5330 1299 ... 599 1543 181 56 39.0 733 650 4.08 136 0.978
904 2016 MIN 5 162 59 103 N 722 5618 1409 ... 513 1426 91 32 43.0 889 814 5.08 126 0.979
905 2016 NYA 4 162 84 78 N 680 5458 1378 ... 475 1188 72 22 49.0 702 660 4.16 86 0.985
906 2016 NYN 2 162 87 75 N 671 5459 1342 ... 517 1302 42 18 41.0 617 574 3.57 90 0.985
907 2016 OAK 5 162 69 93 N 653 5500 1352 ... 442 1145 50 23 34.0 761 718 4.51 97 0.984
908 2016 PHI 4 162 71 91 N 610 5434 1305 ... 424 1376 96 45 30.0 796 739 4.63 97 0.984
909 2016 PIT 3 162 78 83 N 729 5542 1426 ... 561 1334 110 45 36.0 758 679 4.21 111 0.982
910 2016 SDN 5 162 68 94 N 686 5419 1275 ... 449 1500 125 45 36.0 770 708 4.43 109 0.982
911 2016 SEA 2 162 86 76 N 768 5583 1446 ... 506 1288 56 28 41.0 707 647 4.00 89 0.985
912 2016 SFN 2 162 87 75 N 715 5565 1437 ... 572 1107 79 36 46.0 631 593 3.65 72 0.988
913 2016 SLN 2 162 86 76 N 779 5548 1415 ... 526 1318 35 26 41.0 712 656 4.08 107 0.983
914 2016 TBA 5 162 68 94 N 672 5481 1333 ... 449 1482 60 37 28.0 713 665 4.20 94 0.984
915 2016 TEX 1 162 95 67 N 765 5525 1446 ... 436 1220 99 36 40.0 757 700 4.37 97 0.984
916 2016 TOR 2 162 89 73 N 759 5479 1358 ... 632 1362 54 24 40.0 666 613 3.78 88 0.986
917 2016 WAS 1 162 95 67 N 763 5490 1403 ... 536 1252 121 39 63.0 612 570 3.51 73 0.988

20 rows × 23 columns

  • What did we just do?
    • Read a CSV into a Pandas DataFrame
    • Examined the last 20 rows (actually produced a new DataFrame containing) the last 20 rows of the original DataFrame.

Let's Visualize and Analyze

  • Cool thing 1: Histogram Wins
In [21]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Make a figure/subplot

# Histogram wins into 20 buckets
n, bins, p = plt.hist(df['wins'], 20, label="Histogram of Wins")

# Compute the mean number of wins and plot as a line.
mu = df['wins'].mean()
min = df['wins'].min()
max = df['wins'].max()
l = plt.plot([min,max], [mu,mu], label="Average Wins")

  • Cool thing 2: Scatter Plot wins as a function of homeruns.
In [33]:
# Make a new DataFrame with just the columns we want.
w_v_hr = pd.DataFrame(df[['home_runs','wins']])

# Make a new figure and set the size.

# Produce a scatter plot. The point color is green and the marker is a triangle.
plt.scatter(w_v_hr['home_runs'], w_v_hr['wins'], color="g", marker="^")

# Set some labels, font sizes and colors.
plt.xlabel("Homeruns", fontsize=20, color="r")
plt.ylabel("Wins", fontsize=20, color="b")

# Show the figure.
  • What is the correlation between HRs and wins?
In [34]:
home_runs wins
home_runs 1.000000 0.366849
wins 0.366849 1.000000


In statistics, the correlation coefficient r measures the strength and direction of a linear relationship between two variables on a scatterplot. The value of r is always between +1 and –1. To interpret its value, see which of the following values your correlation r is closest to:

  • Exactly $–1$: A perfect downhill (negative) linear relationship
  • $–0.70$: A strong downhill (negative) linear relationship
  • $–0.50$: A moderate downhill (negative) relationship
  • $-0.30$: A weak downhill (negative) linear relationship
  • $0$: No linear relationship
  • $+0.30$: A weak uphill (positive) linear relationship
  • $+0.50$: A moderate uphill (positive) relationship
  • $0.70$: A strong uphill (positive) linear relationship
  • Exactly $+1$ A perfect uphill (positive) linear relationship
  • Correlations gone wild.
In [35]:
year rank games wins loses runs at_basts hits doubles triples ... walks strikeouts stolen_bases caught_stealing sacrifice_flies runs_against earned_runs earned_run_average errors fielding_percentage
year 1.000000 -0.143385 0.173925 0.064945 0.065103 0.036425 0.184300 0.084122 0.373114 -0.151842 ... -0.140116 0.693800 -0.311655 -0.544616 -0.278731 0.034589 0.103848 0.031735 -0.508298 0.541028
rank -0.143385 1.000000 0.048105 -0.773918 0.811173 -0.413253 0.011006 -0.200168 -0.205209 0.011821 ... -0.307768 0.004263 -0.038045 0.142643 -0.247109 0.444685 0.407737 0.414782 0.337042 -0.337473
games 0.173925 0.048105 1.000000 0.370266 0.363513 0.339765 0.967173 0.652376 0.401734 0.122280 ... 0.306388 0.413115 0.107512 0.085399 0.070013 0.317847 0.315043 -0.118703 0.221394 0.088089
wins 0.064945 -0.773918 0.370266 1.000000 -0.730609 0.558594 0.391991 0.478310 0.326008 0.028302 ... 0.462781 0.063844 0.129699 -0.022943 0.293405 -0.395921 -0.371180 -0.564773 -0.188008 0.325085
loses 0.065103 0.811173 0.363513 -0.730609 1.000000 -0.310345 0.317679 -0.000114 -0.031263 0.060619 ... -0.239241 0.241311 -0.052518 0.084934 -0.291676 0.630772 0.604148 0.479542 0.349095 -0.259240
runs 0.036425 -0.413253 0.339765 0.558594 -0.310345 1.000000 0.478526 0.802633 0.646704 0.057869 ... 0.628431 0.051717 -0.001748 -0.098627 0.495870 0.400948 0.420943 0.274112 -0.039085 0.140185
at_basts 0.184300 0.011006 0.967173 0.391991 0.317679 0.478526 1.000000 0.790044 0.516430 0.132280 ... 0.327488 0.379069 0.069276 0.024065 0.283317 0.395707 0.398010 -0.025720 0.189474 0.111354
hits 0.084122 -0.200168 0.652376 0.478310 -0.000114 0.802633 0.790044 1.000000 0.687157 0.173270 ... 0.394974 0.067709 0.039055 -0.008744 0.486705 0.453561 0.467737 0.184794 0.067685 0.131473
doubles 0.373114 -0.205209 0.401734 0.326008 -0.031263 0.646704 0.516430 0.687157 1.000000 0.048628 ... 0.307399 0.263448 -0.164075 -0.274183 0.359872 0.362446 0.393986 0.222935 -0.139458 0.256301
triples -0.151842 0.011821 0.122280 0.028302 0.060619 0.057869 0.132280 0.173270 0.048628 1.000000 ... -0.064815 -0.065748 0.270462 0.253111 0.159237 0.049912 0.036896 -0.015720 0.144544 -0.101339
home_runs 0.264342 -0.320328 0.204492 0.366849 -0.216931 0.722088 0.294434 0.437426 0.432573 -0.216900 ... 0.389083 0.341558 -0.250488 -0.320080 0.100513 0.336602 0.367850 0.281919 -0.163907 0.217315
walks -0.140116 -0.307768 0.306388 0.462781 -0.239241 0.628431 0.327488 0.394974 0.307399 -0.064815 ... 1.000000 0.071423 0.056529 0.018022 0.308625 0.166550 0.165855 0.024025 0.047547 0.056568
strikeouts 0.693800 0.004263 0.413115 0.063844 0.241311 0.051717 0.379069 0.067709 0.263448 -0.065748 ... 0.071423 1.000000 -0.149404 -0.293865 -0.358880 0.152151 0.180391 0.000559 -0.146959 0.261226
stolen_bases -0.311655 -0.038045 0.107512 0.129699 -0.052518 -0.001748 0.069276 0.039055 -0.164075 0.270462 ... 0.056529 -0.149404 1.000000 0.670498 0.148741 -0.098215 -0.123660 -0.182143 0.250288 -0.208147
caught_stealing -0.544616 0.142643 0.085399 -0.022943 0.084934 -0.098627 0.024065 -0.008744 -0.274183 0.253111 ... 0.018022 -0.293865 0.670498 1.000000 0.085237 -0.018639 -0.060760 -0.102907 0.397679 -0.350691
sacrifice_flies -0.278731 -0.247109 0.070013 0.293405 -0.291676 0.495870 0.283317 0.486705 0.359872 0.159237 ... 0.308625 -0.358880 0.148741 0.085237 1.000000 0.077198 0.084274 0.076054 -0.027902 0.020121
runs_against 0.034589 0.444685 0.317847 -0.395921 0.630772 0.400948 0.395707 0.453561 0.362446 0.049912 ... 0.166550 0.152151 -0.098215 -0.018639 0.077198 1.000000 0.987529 0.888444 0.272166 -0.205167
earned_runs 0.103848 0.407737 0.315043 -0.371180 0.604148 0.420943 0.398010 0.467737 0.393986 0.036896 ... 0.165855 0.180391 -0.123660 -0.060760 0.084274 0.987529 1.000000 0.901795 0.154658 -0.087989
earned_run_average 0.031735 0.414782 -0.118703 -0.564773 0.479542 0.274112 -0.025720 0.184794 0.222935 -0.015720 ... 0.024025 0.000559 -0.182143 -0.102907 0.076054 0.888444 0.901795 1.000000 0.064617 -0.136271
errors -0.508298 0.337042 0.221394 -0.188008 0.349095 -0.039085 0.189474 0.067685 -0.139458 0.144544 ... 0.047547 -0.146959 0.250288 0.397679 -0.027902 0.272166 0.154658 0.064617 1.000000 -0.940386
fielding_percentage 0.541028 -0.337473 0.088089 0.325085 -0.259240 0.140185 0.111354 0.131473 0.256301 -0.101339 ... 0.056568 0.261226 -0.208147 -0.350691 0.020121 -0.205167 -0.087989 -0.136271 -0.940386 1.000000

21 rows × 21 columns

  • Including year in a correlation between metrics does not make sense.
In [39]:
df2 = df.drop(['year'], axis=1)
rank games wins loses runs at_basts hits doubles triples home_runs walks strikeouts stolen_bases caught_stealing sacrifice_flies runs_against earned_runs earned_run_average errors fielding_percentage
rank 1.000000 0.048105 -0.773918 0.811173 -0.413253 0.011006 -0.200168 -0.205209 0.011821 -0.320328 -0.307768 0.004263 -0.038045 0.142643 -0.247109 0.444685 0.407737 0.414782 0.337042 -0.337473
games 0.048105 1.000000 0.370266 0.363513 0.339765 0.967173 0.652376 0.401734 0.122280 0.204492 0.306388 0.413115 0.107512 0.085399 0.070013 0.317847 0.315043 -0.118703 0.221394 0.088089
wins -0.773918 0.370266 1.000000 -0.730609 0.558594 0.391991 0.478310 0.326008 0.028302 0.366849 0.462781 0.063844 0.129699 -0.022943 0.293405 -0.395921 -0.371180 -0.564773 -0.188008 0.325085
loses 0.811173 0.363513 -0.730609 1.000000 -0.310345 0.317679 -0.000114 -0.031263 0.060619 -0.216931 -0.239241 0.241311 -0.052518 0.084934 -0.291676 0.630772 0.604148 0.479542 0.349095 -0.259240
runs -0.413253 0.339765 0.558594 -0.310345 1.000000 0.478526 0.802633 0.646704 0.057869 0.722088 0.628431 0.051717 -0.001748 -0.098627 0.495870 0.400948 0.420943 0.274112 -0.039085 0.140185
at_basts 0.011006 0.967173 0.391991 0.317679 0.478526 1.000000 0.790044 0.516430 0.132280 0.294434 0.327488 0.379069 0.069276 0.024065 0.283317 0.395707 0.398010 -0.025720 0.189474 0.111354
hits -0.200168 0.652376 0.478310 -0.000114 0.802633 0.790044 1.000000 0.687157 0.173270 0.437426 0.394974 0.067709 0.039055 -0.008744 0.486705 0.453561 0.467737 0.184794 0.067685 0.131473
doubles -0.205209 0.401734 0.326008 -0.031263 0.646704 0.516430 0.687157 1.000000 0.048628 0.432573 0.307399 0.263448 -0.164075 -0.274183 0.359872 0.362446 0.393986 0.222935 -0.139458 0.256301
triples 0.011821 0.122280 0.028302 0.060619 0.057869 0.132280 0.173270 0.048628 1.000000 -0.216900 -0.064815 -0.065748 0.270462 0.253111 0.159237 0.049912 0.036896 -0.015720 0.144544 -0.101339
home_runs -0.320328 0.204492 0.366849 -0.216931 0.722088 0.294434 0.437426 0.432573 -0.216900 1.000000 0.389083 0.341558 -0.250488 -0.320080 0.100513 0.336602 0.367850 0.281919 -0.163907 0.217315
walks -0.307768 0.306388 0.462781 -0.239241 0.628431 0.327488 0.394974 0.307399 -0.064815 0.389083 1.000000 0.071423 0.056529 0.018022 0.308625 0.166550 0.165855 0.024025 0.047547 0.056568
strikeouts 0.004263 0.413115 0.063844 0.241311 0.051717 0.379069 0.067709 0.263448 -0.065748 0.341558 0.071423 1.000000 -0.149404 -0.293865 -0.358880 0.152151 0.180391 0.000559 -0.146959 0.261226
stolen_bases -0.038045 0.107512 0.129699 -0.052518 -0.001748 0.069276 0.039055 -0.164075 0.270462 -0.250488 0.056529 -0.149404 1.000000 0.670498 0.148741 -0.098215 -0.123660 -0.182143 0.250288 -0.208147
caught_stealing 0.142643 0.085399 -0.022943 0.084934 -0.098627 0.024065 -0.008744 -0.274183 0.253111 -0.320080 0.018022 -0.293865 0.670498 1.000000 0.085237 -0.018639 -0.060760 -0.102907 0.397679 -0.350691
sacrifice_flies -0.247109 0.070013 0.293405 -0.291676 0.495870 0.283317 0.486705 0.359872 0.159237 0.100513 0.308625 -0.358880 0.148741 0.085237 1.000000 0.077198 0.084274 0.076054 -0.027902 0.020121
runs_against 0.444685 0.317847 -0.395921 0.630772 0.400948 0.395707 0.453561 0.362446 0.049912 0.336602 0.166550 0.152151 -0.098215 -0.018639 0.077198 1.000000 0.987529 0.888444 0.272166 -0.205167
earned_runs 0.407737 0.315043 -0.371180 0.604148 0.420943 0.398010 0.467737 0.393986 0.036896 0.367850 0.165855 0.180391 -0.123660 -0.060760 0.084274 0.987529 1.000000 0.901795 0.154658 -0.087989
earned_run_average 0.414782 -0.118703 -0.564773 0.479542 0.274112 -0.025720 0.184794 0.222935 -0.015720 0.281919 0.024025 0.000559 -0.182143 -0.102907 0.076054 0.888444 0.901795 1.000000 0.064617 -0.136271
errors 0.337042 0.221394 -0.188008 0.349095 -0.039085 0.189474 0.067685 -0.139458 0.144544 -0.163907 0.047547 -0.146959 0.250288 0.397679 -0.027902 0.272166 0.154658 0.064617 1.000000 -0.940386
fielding_percentage -0.337473 0.088089 0.325085 -0.259240 0.140185 0.111354 0.131473 0.256301 -0.101339 0.217315 0.056568 0.261226 -0.208147 -0.350691 0.020121 -0.205167 -0.087989 -0.136271 -0.940386 1.000000

How Much Data do We Have?

In [42]:
print("(rows, columns) for teams is = ", df.shape)
(rows, columns) for teams is =  (918, 23)
In [44]:
batting_df = pd.read_csv("../Data/playerbatting.csv")
pitching_df = pd.read_csv("../Data/playerpitching.csv")
fielding_df = pd.read_csv("../Data/playerfielding.csv")
salary_df = pd.read_csv("../Data/playersalary.csv")
print("(rows, columns) for batting is = ", batting_df.shape)
print("(rows, columns) for pitching is = ", pitching_df.shape)
print("(rows, columns) for fielding is = ", fielding_df.shape)
print("(rows, columns) for salary is = ", salary_df.shape)
(rows, columns) for batting is =  (37402, 13)
(rows, columns) for pitching is =  (18363, 9)
(rows, columns) for fielding is =  (37099, 7)
(rows, columns) for salary is =  (26428, 5)
In [47]:
all_dfs = [df, batting_df, pitching_df, fielding_df, salary_df]
total_cells = sum([x.shape[0]*x.shape[1] for x in all_dfs])
print("total number of cells is = ", total_cells)
total number of cells is =  1064440

Let's Take a Step Back

We have at least 3 tasks:

  1. Figure out the relationships between team performance metrics (e.g HRs, ERA) and a team's wins. What metrics do we want to optimize?
  2. Given a set of players, estimate the team's performance if the team has the players.
  3. Find the cost optimal team(s)

This will involve:

  1. Data Munging.
  2. Cleaning and shaping.
  3. Data Exploration/Visualization.
  4. Learning.
  5. Optimization.

But first, least learn a little about Pandas and PyPlot, which we need for all 5 tasks.



  • This section will go through some of the material in the context of our data and business problem -- Moneyball.
  • ((

    • "pandas is a software library written for the Python programming language for data manipulation and analysis. In particular, it offers data structures and operations for manipulating numerical tables and time series. It is free software released under the three-clause BSD license.[2] The name is derived from the term "panel data", an econometrics term for data sets that include both time-series and cross-sectional data"

    • Library features:

      • DataFrame object for data manipulation with integrated indexing.
      • Tools for reading and writing data between in-memory data structures and different file formats.
      • Data alignment and integrated handling of missing data.
      • Reshaping and pivoting of data sets.
      • Label-based slicing, fancy indexing, and subsetting of large data sets.
      • Data structure column insertion and deletion.
      • Group by engine allowing split-apply-combine operations on data sets.
      • Data set merging and joining.
      • Hierarchical axis indexing to work with high-dimensional data in a lower-dimensional data structure.
      • Time series-functionality: Date range generation[4] and frequency conversion, moving window statistics, moving window linear regressions, date shifting and lagging.
      • The library is highly optimized for performance, ..."

Core Data Structures

Data Structure Dimensions Description
Series 1 1D labeled homogeneous array, sizeimmutable.
Data Frames 2 General 2D labeled, size-mutable tabular structure with potentially heterogeneously typed columns.
Panel 3 General 3D labeled, size-mutable array.
Pandas Data Structures
  • We will focus on DataFrames.
  • Out data is tabular and naturally maps to DataFrames. For example,
In [48]:
playerid yearid games at_bats runs hits doubles triples home_runs rbi stolen_bases caught_steaming walks
37372 zoskyed01 1991 18.0 27.0 2.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
37373 zoskyed01 1992 8.0 7.0 1.0 2.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
37374 zoskyed01 1995 6.0 5.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
37375 zoskyed01 1999 8.0 7.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
37376 zoskyed01 2000 4.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
37377 zuberjo01 1996 30.0 91.0 7.0 23.0 4.0 0.0 1.0 10.0 1.0 0.0 6.0
37378 zuberjo01 1998 38.0 45.0 6.0 11.0 3.0 1.0 2.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 6.0
37379 zuletju01 2000 30.0 68.0 13.0 20.0 8.0 0.0 3.0 12.0 0.0 1.0 2.0
37380 zuletju01 2001 49.0 106.0 11.0 23.0 3.0 0.0 6.0 24.0 0.0 1.0 8.0
37381 zumayjo01 2006 62.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
37382 zumayjo01 2007 28.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
37383 zumayjo01 2008 21.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
37384 zumayjo01 2009 29.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
37385 zumayjo01 2010 31.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
37386 zuninmi01 2013 52.0 173.0 22.0 37.0 5.0 0.0 5.0 14.0 1.0 0.0 16.0
37387 zuninmi01 2014 131.0 438.0 51.0 87.0 20.0 2.0 22.0 60.0 0.0 3.0 17.0
37388 zuninmi01 2015 112.0 350.0 28.0 61.0 11.0 0.0 11.0 28.0 0.0 1.0 21.0
37389 zuninmi01 2016 55.0 164.0 16.0 34.0 7.0 0.0 12.0 31.0 0.0 0.0 21.0
37390 zupcibo01 1991 18.0 25.0 3.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
37391 zupcibo01 1992 124.0 392.0 46.0 108.0 19.0 1.0 3.0 43.0 2.0 2.0 25.0
37392 zupcibo01 1993 141.0 286.0 40.0 69.0 24.0 2.0 2.0 26.0 5.0 2.0 27.0
37393 zupcibo01 1994 36.0 92.0 10.0 18.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 8.0 0.0 1.0 4.0
37394 zuvelpa01 1985 81.0 190.0 16.0 48.0 8.0 1.0 0.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 16.0
37395 zuvelpa01 1986 21.0 48.0 2.0 4.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 5.0
37396 zuvelpa01 1987 14.0 34.0 2.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
37397 zuvelpa01 1988 51.0 130.0 9.0 30.0 5.0 1.0 0.0 7.0 0.0 0.0 8.0
37398 zuvelpa01 1989 24.0 58.0 10.0 16.0 2.0 0.0 2.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
37399 zuvelpa01 1991 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
37400 zychto01 2015 13.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
37401 zychto01 2016 12.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
In [49]:
year teamid rank games wins loses WSWin runs at_basts hits ... walks strikeouts stolen_bases caught_stealing sacrifice_flies runs_against earned_runs earned_run_average errors fielding_percentage
898 2016 HOU 3 162 84 78 N 724 5545 1367 ... 554 1452 102 44 31.0 701 663 4.06 77 0.987
899 2016 KCA 3 162 81 81 N 675 5552 1450 ... 382 1224 121 35 34.0 712 674 4.21 94 0.984
900 2016 LAA 4 162 74 88 N 717 5431 1410 ... 471 991 73 34 49.0 727 676 4.28 97 0.983
901 2016 LAN 1 162 91 71 N 725 5518 1376 ... 525 1321 45 26 32.0 638 598 3.70 80 0.986
902 2016 MIA 3 161 79 82 N 655 5547 1460 ... 447 1213 71 28 38.0 682 646 4.05 86 0.985
903 2016 MIL 4 162 73 89 N 671 5330 1299 ... 599 1543 181 56 39.0 733 650 4.08 136 0.978
904 2016 MIN 5 162 59 103 N 722 5618 1409 ... 513 1426 91 32 43.0 889 814 5.08 126 0.979
905 2016 NYA 4 162 84 78 N 680 5458 1378 ... 475 1188 72 22 49.0 702 660 4.16 86 0.985
906 2016 NYN 2 162 87 75 N 671 5459 1342 ... 517 1302 42 18 41.0 617 574 3.57 90 0.985
907 2016 OAK 5 162 69 93 N 653 5500 1352 ... 442 1145 50 23 34.0 761 718 4.51 97 0.984
908 2016 PHI 4 162 71 91 N 610 5434 1305 ... 424 1376 96 45 30.0 796 739 4.63 97 0.984
909 2016 PIT 3 162 78 83 N 729 5542 1426 ... 561 1334 110 45 36.0 758 679 4.21 111 0.982
910 2016 SDN 5 162 68 94 N 686 5419 1275 ... 449 1500 125 45 36.0 770 708 4.43 109 0.982
911 2016 SEA 2 162 86 76 N 768 5583 1446 ... 506 1288 56 28 41.0 707 647 4.00 89 0.985
912 2016 SFN 2 162 87 75 N 715 5565 1437 ... 572 1107 79 36 46.0 631 593 3.65 72 0.988
913 2016 SLN 2 162 86 76 N 779 5548 1415 ... 526 1318 35 26 41.0 712 656 4.08 107 0.983
914 2016 TBA 5 162 68 94 N 672 5481 1333 ... 449 1482 60 37 28.0 713 665 4.20 94 0.984
915 2016 TEX 1 162 95 67 N 765 5525 1446 ... 436 1220 99 36 40.0 757 700 4.37 97 0.984
916 2016 TOR 2 162 89 73 N 759 5479 1358 ... 632 1362 54 24 40.0 666 613 3.78 88 0.986
917 2016 WAS 1 162 95 67 N 763 5490 1403 ... 536 1252 121 39 63.0 612 570 3.51 73 0.988

20 rows × 23 columns

Basic Operations

Sort and Filter

In [52]:
teams_sorted_by_wins = df.sort_values(by=['wins'])
year teamid rank games wins loses WSWin runs at_basts hits ... walks strikeouts stolen_bases caught_stealing sacrifice_flies runs_against earned_runs earned_run_average errors fielding_percentage
508 2003 DET 5 162 43 119 N 591 5466 1312 ... 443 1099 98 63 49.0 928 847 5.30 138 0.978
239 1994 CAL 4 115 47 68 NaN 543 3943 1042 ... 402 715 65 54 NaN 660 618 5.42 76 0.983
258 1994 SDN 4 117 47 70 NaN 479 4068 1117 ... 319 762 79 37 NaN 531 474 4.08 111 0.975
259 1994 SEA 3 112 49 63 NaN 569 3883 1045 ... 372 652 48 21 NaN 616 546 4.99 95 0.977
241 1994 CHN 5 113 49 64 NaN 500 3918 1015 ... 364 750 69 53 NaN 549 508 4.47 81 0.982
808 2013 HOU 5 162 51 111 N 610 5457 1307 ... 426 1535 110 61 38.0 848 766 4.79 125 0.979
246 1994 FLO 5 115 51 64 NaN 468 3926 1043 ... 349 746 65 26 NaN 576 508 4.50 95 0.978
255 1994 OAK 2 114 51 63 NaN 549 3885 1009 ... 417 686 91 39 NaN 589 537 4.82 88 0.979
529 2004 ARI 5 162 51 111 N 615 5544 1401 ... 441 1022 53 32 37.0 899 794 4.98 139 0.977
262 1994 TEX 1 114 52 62 NaN 613 3983 1114 ... 437 730 82 35 NaN 697 619 5.45 105 0.976

10 rows × 23 columns

In [53]:
teams_sorted_by_wins = df.sort_values(by=['wins', 'teamid'], ascending=False)
year teamid rank games wins loses WSWin runs at_basts hits ... walks strikeouts stolen_bases caught_stealing sacrifice_flies runs_against earned_runs earned_run_average errors fielding_percentage
462 2001 SEA 1 162 116 46 N 927 5680 1637 ... 614 989 174 42 70.0 627 576 3.54 83 0.986
366 1998 NYA 1 162 114 48 Y 965 5643 1625 ... 653 1025 153 63 NaN 656 618 3.82 98 0.984
42 1986 NYN 1 162 108 54 Y 783 5558 1462 ... 631 968 118 48 NaN 578 513 3.11 138 0.978
350 1998 ATL 1 162 106 56 N 826 5484 1489 ... 548 1062 98 43 NaN 581 519 3.25 91 0.985
554 2004 SLN 1 162 105 57 N 855 5555 1544 ... 548 1085 111 47 70.0 659 605 3.75 97 0.985
95 1988 OAK 1 162 104 58 N 800 5602 1474 ... 580 926 129 54 NaN 620 569 3.44 105 0.983
208 1993 ATL 1 162 104 58 N 767 5515 1444 ... 560 946 125 48 NaN 559 508 3.14 108 0.983
232 1993 SFN 2 162 103 59 N 808 5557 1534 ... 516 930 120 65 NaN 636 584 3.61 101 0.984
147 1990 OAK 1 162 103 59 N 733 5433 1379 ... 651 992 141 54 NaN 570 514 3.18 87 0.986
488 2002 OAK 1 162 103 59 N 800 5558 1450 ... 609 1008 46 20 36.0 654 593 3.68 102 0.984

10 rows × 23 columns

  • teams_sorted_by_wins is already sorted. I want ONLY National League Teams for years greater than or equal to 2000, and the team is either BOS or NYY.
In [76]:
f1 =(df['year'] >= 2000) 
f2 = (df['teamid'].isin(['BOS','NYA']))
interesting_teams = teams_sorted_by_wins[f1 & f2]
/Users/donaldferguson/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ UserWarning: Boolean Series key will be reindexed to match DataFrame index.
  This is separate from the ipykernel package so we can avoid doing imports until
year teamid rank games wins loses WSWin runs at_basts hits ... walks strikeouts stolen_bases caught_stealing sacrifice_flies runs_against earned_runs earned_run_average errors fielding_percentage
486 2002 NYA 1 161 103 58 N 897 5601 1540 ... 640 1171 100 38 41.0 697 625 3.87 127 0.979
695 2009 NYA 1 162 103 59 Y 915 5660 1604 ... 663 1014 111 28 39.0 753 687 4.26 86 0.985
516 2003 NYA 1 163 101 61 N 877 5605 1518 ... 684 1042 98 33 35.0 716 653 4.02 114 0.981
546 2004 NYA 1 162 101 61 N 897 5527 1483 ... 670 982 84 33 50.0 808 752 4.69 99 0.984
532 2004 BOS 2 162 98 64 Y 949 5720 1613 ... 659 1189 68 30 55.0 768 674 4.18 118 0.981
605 2006 NYA 1 162 97 65 N 930 5651 1608 ... 649 1053 139 35 49.0 767 708 4.41 104 0.983
755 2011 NYA 1 162 97 65 N 867 5518 1452 ... 627 1138 147 46 51.0 657 605 3.73 102 0.983
801 2013 BOS 1 162 97 65 Y 853 5651 1566 ... 581 1308 123 19 50.0 656 613 3.79 80 0.987
621 2007 BOS 1 162 96 66 Y 867 5589 1561 ... 689 1042 96 24 54.0 657 618 3.87 81 0.986
456 2001 NYA 1 161 95 65 N 804 5577 1488 ... 519 1035 161 53 43.0 713 649 4.02 109 0.982
575 2005 NYA 1 162 95 67 N 886 5624 1552 ... 637 989 84 27 43.0 789 718 4.52 95 0.984
725 2010 NYA 2 162 95 67 N 859 5567 1485 ... 662 1136 103 30 44.0 693 651 4.06 69 0.988
785 2012 NYA 1 162 95 67 N 804 5524 1462 ... 565 1176 93 27 49.0 668 617 3.84 75 0.987
502 2003 BOS 2 162 95 67 N 961 5769 1667 ... 620 943 88 35 64.0 809 729 4.48 113 0.982
561 2005 BOS 2 162 95 67 N 910 5626 1579 ... 653 1044 45 12 63.0 805 752 4.74 109 0.982
651 2008 BOS 2 162 95 67 N 845 5596 1565 ... 646 1068 120 35 62.0 694 645 4.01 85 0.986
681 2009 BOS 2 162 95 67 N 872 5543 1495 ... 659 1120 126 39 51.0 736 695 4.35 82 0.986
635 2007 NYA 2 162 94 68 N 968 5717 1656 ... 637 991 123 40 54.0 777 724 4.49 88 0.985
472 2002 BOS 2 162 93 69 N 859 5640 1560 ... 545 944 80 28 53.0 665 603 3.75 104 0.983
891 2016 BOS 1 162 93 69 N 878 5670 1598 ... 558 1160 83 24 40.0 694 640 4.00 75 0.987

20 rows × 23 columns

  • Teams that won 20 or more games than they lost but did not finish 1st.
In [80]:
unhappy_teams = df[(df['wins'] > (df['loses'] + 20)) & (df['rank'] > 1)]
unhappy_teams.sort_values(by=['wins'], ascending=False).head(10)
year teamid rank games wins loses WSWin runs at_basts hits ... walks strikeouts stolen_bases caught_stealing sacrifice_flies runs_against earned_runs earned_run_average errors fielding_percentage
232 1993 SFN 2 162 103 59 N 808 5557 1534 ... 516 930 120 65 NaN 636 584 3.61 101 0.984
458 2001 OAK 2 162 102 60 N 884 5573 1469 ... 640 1021 68 29 59.0 645 583 3.59 125 0.980
468 2002 ANA 2 162 99 63 Y 851 5678 1603 ... 462 805 117 51 64.0 644 595 3.69 87 0.986
879 2015 PIT 2 162 98 64 N 697 5631 1462 ... 461 1322 98 45 41.0 596 532 3.21 122 0.981
532 2004 BOS 2 162 98 64 Y 949 5720 1613 ... 659 1189 68 30 55.0 768 674 4.18 118 0.981
16 1985 NYN 2 162 98 64 N 695 5549 1425 ... 546 872 117 53 NaN 568 514 3.11 115 0.982
863 2015 CHN 3 162 97 65 N 689 5491 1341 ... 567 1518 95 37 35.0 608 546 3.36 111 0.982
397 1999 NYN 2 163 97 66 N 853 5572 1553 ... 717 994 150 61 NaN 711 691 4.27 68 0.989
15 1985 NYA 2 161 97 64 N 839 5458 1458 ... 620 771 155 53 NaN 660 590 3.69 123 0.979
77 1987 TOR 2 162 96 66 N 845 5635 1514 ... 555 970 126 50 NaN 655 604 3.74 111 0.982

10 rows × 23 columns

Subset Columns (Projection)

In [84]:
just_team_year_and_wins = df[['teamid', 'year', 'wins']]
teamid year wins
0 ATL 1985 66
1 BAL 1985 83
2 BOS 1985 81
3 CAL 1985 90
4 CHA 1985 85
5 CHN 1985 77
6 CIN 1985 89
7 CLE 1985 60
8 DET 1985 84
9 HOU 1985 83

Combine Tables on Matching Values (JOIN)

  • First, I made a mistake on column names. Salary uses 'yearID' and
In [88]:
playerid yearid games at_bats runs hits doubles triples home_runs rbi stolen_bases caught_steaming walks
0 aardsda01 2004 11.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1 aardsda01 2006 45.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2 aardsda01 2007 25.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
3 aardsda01 2008 47.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
4 aardsda01 2009 73.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
5 aardsda01 2010 53.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
6 aardsda01 2012 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
7 aardsda01 2013 43.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
8 aardsda01 2015 33.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
9 aasedo01 1985 54.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
In [89]:
yearID teamID lgID playerID salary
0 1985 ATL NL barkele01 870000
1 1985 ATL NL bedrost01 550000
2 1985 ATL NL benedbr01 545000
3 1985 ATL NL campri01 633333
4 1985 ATL NL ceronri01 625000
5 1985 ATL NL chambch01 800000
6 1985 ATL NL dedmoje01 150000
7 1985 ATL NL forstte01 483333
8 1985 ATL NL garbege01 772000
9 1985 ATL NL harpete01 250000
  • The column names are different and I need to modify.
In [98]:
salary_df2 = pd.read_csv('../Data/playersalary.csv')
In [100]:
salary_df2.columns = salary_df2.columns.str.lower()
yearid teamid lgid playerid salary
0 1985 ATL NL barkele01 870000
1 1985 ATL NL bedrost01 550000
2 1985 ATL NL benedbr01 545000
3 1985 ATL NL campri01 633333
4 1985 ATL NL ceronri01 625000
5 1985 ATL NL chambch01 800000
6 1985 ATL NL dedmoje01 150000
7 1985 ATL NL forstte01 483333
8 1985 ATL NL garbege01 772000
9 1985 ATL NL harpete01 250000
In [104]:
batting_df2 = batting_df.set_index(['playerid', 'yearid'])
salary_df2 = salary_df2.set_index(['playerid', 'yearid'])
In [105]:
batting_and_salary = batting_df2.join(salary_df2)
In [112]:
home_runs salary
playerid yearid
aardsda01 2004 0.0 300000.0
2006 0.0 NaN
2007 0.0 387500.0
2008 0.0 403250.0
2009 0.0 419000.0
2010 0.0 2750000.0
2012 0.0 500000.0
2013 0.0 NaN
2015 0.0 NaN
aasedo01 1985 0.0 NaN
What are these JOIN and Index of which you Speak?


"A (...) index is a data structure that improves the speed of data retrieval operations on a (...) table at the cost of additional (...) storage space to maintain the index data structure. Indexes are used to quickly locate data without having to search every row in a (...) table every time a (...) table is accessed. Indexes can be created using one or more columns of a (...) table, providing the basis for both rapid random lookups and efficient access of ordered records." (

Binary Tree Index
  • There are many types of index.
  • Simplistically, if I want to find all rows with a given (playerid, yearid) a 1,000,000 row table
    • Scanning each row is O(1,000,000) comparisons
    • Using a binary search index is O(20) comparisons, or exponentially faster.


  • "An SQL join clause combines columns from one or more tables in a relational database. It creates a set that can be saved as a table or used as it is. A JOIN is a means for combining columns from one (self-join) or more tables by using values common to each." (
  • There are many, many kinds of JOIN. Over simplistically
    • Build a new table (DataFrame)
    • Each row contains all columns from DataFrame A and all columns from DataFrame B.
    • Only include rows where A.x = B.y
Natural JOIN Example
  • We are going to need JOIN because data from several tables characterizes a player's performance
    • Batting (offense)
    • Fielding (defense)
    • Pitching
    • Salary

Coming up Next Lecture

  • A little more Pandas to finalize what we need to analyze performance data.
  • Multi-layer Perceptron neural network for determining how a team's statistics define wins.
  • This is based on a formal, scientific, engineering solution to a problem baseball historically solved with intuition.

Formal Definition:

  • A vector of metrics $\vec{x}$ summarizes a team's performance capabilities, e.g. batting average, HRs, etc.
  • A similar vector $\vec{p}$ summarizes the performance contribution of a player to the team $T.$
  • Let $i$ be the subscript notation for the i-th metric. If $f_i$ is some aggregation function, e.g. sum, average, then

\begin{equation} x_i = f_i(p_i), \forall p \in T. \end{equation}

  • $S(p)$ can denote player $p$ salary. This yields two constraints
    • C1: $ \#(T) \leq 25$ (approximating the maximum number of allowed players per team)
    • C2: $\sum_{p \in T}{S(p)} \leq B(T),$ team $T$ budget.
  • If
    • $W(\vec{x})$ is the number of wins per season as a function of $\vec{x} \in X.$
    • $P(\vec{x}) \rightarrow [0,1]$ is the probability of winning the World Series for $\vec{x} \in X.$
  • We want to pick the team of players $T$ such that we
    • $Max(W(\vec{x}))$ or $Max(P(\vec{x}))$
    • With minimal $\sum{S(p)}$
    • Subject to C1 and C2.
  • This boils down to two tasks:
    1. Learning the relationship between $\vec{x}$ and wins (or winning world series).
    2. Finding the price-optimal set of players. We are trying to build an artificial intelligence engine that replaces general managers for picking players.

Next Task

We will define and train a Multi-Layer Perceptron!

Neurons and Perceptrons